As the game begins, the Kindred congregate for a momentuous occasion in their rather static society. It all begins with a letter they receive during the time of Lent, in the weeks before Easter 2024.

The Letter

Honoured Elders, cherished Ancillae, worthy Neonates,
Kindred all,

It has been far too long since last our great Prince Dominique held court, and it is for a most joyous occasion that there is now a reason we should congregate.

After much deliberation, our monarch has chosen worthy mortals among the masses of humanity who are fit to receive the Dark Gift, and seeks to test their mettle. 

It is in honour of their choice to end the moratorium on the Embrace, to give us the chance to pursue our heart's desires again, from first passion to the end of love, that my Lady extends her invitation, inviting you to her own haven.

The time has come to reunite and share what pleasure there is to be had among ourselves. 

Our ruler will make their choice, and in their hour of grace will perhaps feel moved to grant such favour to another cousin who proves most suited to receive the Prince’s privilege of embracing progeny.

But gird your loins, good cousins, our most genteel Elysium is, as everything in our unlife, an arena wherein we all must prove ourselves. 

We have always been, after all, a little more than kin, and less than kind.  None is without sin, and we all shall be judged.

My Lady knows you will find your way to her for an evening of celebration and reflection, where all are welcome, who are of the blood, regardless of their provenance; a true danse macabre. 

On Good Friday, when dusk is at hand, she will wait for you at the Old Castle.

In eternal service,

Great Expectations

The invitation comes as a complete surprise for most Kindred. 

Not only are they called to witness the first embrace in decades and have a chance to petition the Prince for a chance to create progeny of their own. So many have waited for so long. What will they have to do to get their chance?

It is also the first salon held by that mysterious creature of the shadows, the Lady, one of the shadowy methuselahs who has influenced the domain's history long before there ever was a Prince. This being has now extended the invitation. and what of the Lord,  her eternal enemy, will he come?

The locale itself gives some of the Kindred versed in history pause as well. The Old Castle, far outside the city limits but still within the jursdiction of the Prince, is the site where, centuries ago, dread Therion and stalwart Dominique fought their epic battle for the future of the realm. It was the bloody beginning of the City as it is today.

There is not a single member of the all-night society who will not seek to pursue their agenda at such a gathering. There is not a one, who doesn't come with a whole host of questions, some which might better not be answered at all.