
Registration for Dance me to the End of Love will begin Monday, July 17, 2023, and continue until Friday, September 15, 2023. 

All you need to do to register is to follow the link below and submit the Google form, taking care to answer all questions.

You will receive a confirmation of your registration usually within 24 hours. If you have any additional questions, please send us an e-mail.


On Saturday, September 16, 2023, we will ask you to confirm your registration.

You will receive an e-mail concerning a list of your fellow players, with the possibility to let us know any potential issues we should know about. If we need to act on anything, we will treat any information as confidential.

Please make sure to respond to our e-mail until Wednesday, September 20, to finalise your reservation and get your ticket.

On Saturday, September 23, you will get another e-mail that contains your ticket and provides you with payment options. 

We are aiming for a strictly at cost price of 550 Euros for the entirety of your experience, but, unfortunately, this may be subject to change due to the current recession and its effects beyond our control.

You may pay for the ticket all at once or in monthly instalments of 1 x 150 Euros and 4 x 100 Euros. 

To ensure your attendance, you must have paid the first instalment by Sunday, October 15th, and all other payments no later than the 15th of each following month. 

Casting Announcements

On October 31st, 2023, you will receive an e-mail containing a briefing about the character you have been cast as, their connections, and all the other relevant information to take on this role.

Your casting will be based on the information you have provided in the registration questionnaire. 

We try to make everyone happy but we cannot guarantee that everybody will get their first choice. If something doesn't work out for you at all, we can always talk it over.

In your brief, there are many ways to customise your character, to make it your own. 

You may edit the relevant parts of the shared Google document, so we are aware and can keep track of your changes.

Event Updates & Discussions

We will share all official announcements concerning the game via our mailing list, which you will be added to upon signing up.

Once you have paid your first installment, you will also get invited to our Discord server, so you can hang out with all the other participants, share your work, compare notes, and spread the hype.

When all characters have been sent out to participants, you can join up to three additional channels on our server: 

One for your character's clan, one for their coterie, and one for their secret affiliation (such as Sabbat agents or Bahari cultists, for example), if any.

While this is not mandatory and will be addressed during the workshops, you can use these channels to begin working on connections and calibrating content with your connections. 

Our online channels of communication are subject to the same code of conduct as our personal meetings.


Due to the costs we have to pay upfront for the venue, the insurance and other running costs, we cannot return your money, if you cannot attend the event. However, you can sell your ticket to other interested parties or ask us to help you sell it.

We also cannot be held liable for any loss regarding the venue arising from inevitable accident that might imperil the event and cannot refund any money we were contractually obligated to pay beforehand.

If we need to remove any players due to violations of our policy against harassment and bullying, becoming incapable of playing due to intoxication, violation of our safety and consent protocols, cheating, or any other reason were the well-being and enjoyment of participants is concerned, there will be no refunds issued due to playtime lost.

By signing up you acknowledge and agree to these terms.